

I’m my own uncle, and my uncles are my brothers. If you find that confusing, then you will be intrigued to sort it all out while reading the story of my life. Are you adopted? Then you are loved and cared for in a special way by the father of lights. He will never leave you nor forsake you.


Subject: Religious, Pub. Date: 2018-12-03, Book Id: 16, ISBN: 978-1-64318-024-3, Print Size: 5x7, Print Length: 0, Category: Religion

Michael Allen Cooper

Michael A. Cooper is a construction oriented man that was raised in Wyoming during the boom days.  His story is tied to sports, carpentry, and also a past of drug use.  He was given a stern talking to by the Lord in 1972 and it changed his life.  His life story is condensed in his book "Don't Drag the Poop".  A follow up book of dreams and visions is offered in "The Harmonic Convergence"  (What I Saw).  Adopted at an early age, and raised by his grandparents in a wild western town makes for an interesting backdrop.  Great book for giving to that wayward son or daughter that can't find their way home.