Hard Cover




Linda Ralston called her oldest granddaughter Little Miss Priss soon after she was born. SHe has written this book for her and her other grandchildren. Her intent is to also show that most children engage in “benign naughtiness” and how loving parents and grandparents can respond in a teaching but loving way. Linda is a retired school counselor, parent of two and grandparent of five.


Subject: Childrens, Pub. Date: 2021-02-01, Book Id: 21, ISBN: , Print Size: 8x8, Print Length: 0, Category: Childrens

Linda Ralston

Linda Ralston called her oldest granddaughter Little Miss Priss soon after she was born. SHe has written this book for her and her other grandchildren. Her intent is to also show that most children engage in “benign naughtiness” and how loving parents and grandparents can respond in a teaching but loving way. Linda is a retired school counselor, parent of two and grandparent of five.